If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!
Like the internet in general, in Second Life educational sites sit alongside porn, gambling and people out to make a fast buck. We're not hanging out there. It's not work. Don't do it here.
We're not advising you to spend work time in Second Life doing non-work things. It's not work. Don't do it here.
We're not advising you to spend work time in Second Life doing work things to the exclusion of other work.
What is work related activity in Second Life?
Second Life is a chance to learn a new literacy and try out new ways of using technology. These things are work related:
learning how to get around Second Life - walk, fly, teleport, walk
learning to do things with objects - take, give, but, sell, create, touch, move, edit
interacting with other people - IMing, chatting, viewing profiles, searching, joining groups
doing things with your avatar - changing appearance, editing, animating
exploring Second Life - attending events, exploring locations
How do I get to Murdoch University Island ?
Make sure that your avatar is a member of the group "Murdoch University".
PREREQUISITE: You must already have a Second Life avatar with a Mainland Passport
By the end of the session, participants will:
1. Learn how to use a SLURL on a web page to get somewhere in Second Life
2. Read a notecard
3. Add a friend, Instant message them and Teleport them
4. Practise flying
5. Have forced a webpage into their browser from within Second Life
6. Have received an item from an object
7.Know how to wear an item of clothing
8. Understand how to animate their avatar
9. Have visited at least one educational site within Second Life
Vitual world codes of conduct
Behavioural Guidelines : Linden Labs guidelines that all users agree to follow when signing in for the first time.
IBM virtual world guidelines: provide a very good outline of how an employee doing business on behalf of an organization should conduct themselves. Contains some very basic rules that you'd apply in real life, as well as pointers about intellectual property, when you should use a personal avatar instead etc.
This clip is a tour of some library services in the Information Archipelago
This is a 45 minute Audio file with slides. It is a recording of a talk by Kathryn Greenhill at the State Library of Victoria, 23 July 2007 - Virtual Libraries, Real Librarians: What libraries are doing in Second Life and how you can join in.
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