
Session 1 - Creating your avatar

Page history last edited by sirexkat@... 16 years, 9 months ago


Before we start

During this session, you will need to specify an email account with an inbox you can access via a webbrowser. Please have this open before we start.


Please work in pairs and keep up with each other




Things to know before you create your avatar


  1. Why learn about Second Life
  2. How to find out more about Second Life
  3. How to check your Systems Requirements. Check the website for further information.




How to create your avatar


1. Go to the Second Life Homepage


Select Join Now

 2. Choose a name for your avatar.


2.1 This can take AGES. We are setting a limit of 7 minutes to do this in the workshop


You must select a last name from the drop down menu

2.2 You can choose any first name, as long as it it not taken


2.3 Use "Check this name for availiability" to see if it is taken


2.5 You cannot change your name later




3. Fill in the rest of the rest of the form


3.1 Ensure the birthdate makes you over 18


3.2 Ensure that you have web access to the email address you enter. Only one avatar can be made per email address.


 4. Choose your look

You can always change it later


external image 234289752_8bcbe01de5_m.jpg

 5. Fill in the second form


6. Select "skip this step" at the upgrade screen
 7. The Welcome means you have registered successfully - now you need to activate your avatar
 8. Go to your email inbox and find the message from "no reply"

 9. Click on the link as instructed  
 10. You are done. No need to install the software during the workshop, but if you want to do so at home, the confirmation  





Logging into Second Life


If you are doing this on your own PC, check the system specifications and download and install the client software.


If you have completed Orientation Island previously, or do not want to complete the basic lessons in driving an avatar, then you can teleport straight to a mainland location. This will be set as your avatar's home.


Getting there


1. From the Start menu of the PC, go to Programs and Select Second Life.



2. Enter your Avatar's First Name, Last Name and password.


3. Accept the Terms of Service and Continue


4. You will be shown a copy of the Behavioural Guidelines. I have copied these to a separate page, Behavioural Guidelines. They are accurate as as 13 May 2007.


4. You will be taken to an Orientation Island. It may take a little while for your character to appear.


3. Press the arrow up key to move forward so new people don't land on you.




Orientation Island


1. You will see the "Orientation" window in the left side of the screen




 2. We will do the bare minimum of the orientation together ... and the rest of the session will be free play...


NOTE: The Orientation Island HUD (Heads Up Display) shown in these images has been replaced with a slightly different one, that still does the same things. To remove it when you are finished, right click and select "Detatch"



1 Press the right arrow key to rotate your avatar until you are facing the MOVE bridge.

2 Walk forward through the red dot on the ground.

3 When this is complete, you have finished that tutorial.



1. Use Right arrow key to rotate to face the "Search" bridge

2. Walk toward it until you see an instruction to find the map.

3. Select the map button.

4. You will see a dot with rays radiating from it. This shows you where you are on the map. The rays show you your sight lines.

5. Close the map and select "continue" on the orientation card

6. Click on the round circle that represents you.

7. Done.

8. Rotate and walk back to the centre of the island and then on to "communicate"



1. At the communicate bridge, you will be instructed to learn to use chat

2. Select the "chat" button

3. Type in any old gobbldygook

4. Done.

5. Rotate and walk back to the centre of the island and then on to "appearance"



1. At the Appearance bridge, you will be instructed to go to your inventory and find a torch to drag onto your avatar.

2. Select the inventory button

3. Select continue on the orientation card

4. In your inventory, go to the folders Library > Objects > Torch

5. Select continue on the orientation card

6. Right click on the torch and select "Wear" from the menu

7. Done!




Go back to the Centre of the island and explore. If you want to get rid of the torch, right click on it and select "detatch"


Add Swan Canning as a friend


1 Select Communicate from lower left hand corner

2 Select "Contacts"

3 Select "add"

4 Type in "Swan Canning"

5 Select "Select"

6 Select "Offer"

7. You will receive a message when Swan Canning confirms your friendship.





1. Swan Canning will offer to Teleport you to Murdoch Library Land.

2. If you do not receive an offer, click on this SLURL (Second Life URL) and follow the instructions: Murdoch University Library

3. You could also use the map searching function to go to Cybrary City II 192, 115, 22. 

4. Murdoch Library Land will now be set as your Home, as it was the first place you teleported from Orientation Island.


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