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on May 13, 2007 at 10:19:05 pm

Discovering your Second Life


Murdoch University Library (Library Training Room 1.015)



Why learn about online virtual worlds?



Why Second Life?

  • It's there now and free
  • It has first mover status
  • It's a possible prototype for future web environments


What is Second Life?

A 3D online virtual world imagined, created and owned by its residents.


What are we not doing?

  • Like the internet in general, in Second Life educational sites sit alongside porn, gambling and people out to make a fast buck. We're not hanging out there. It's not work. Don't do it here.
  • We're not advising you to spend time in Second Life doing non-work things. It's not work. Don't do it here.
  • We're not advising you to spend time in Second Life doing work things to the exclusion of other work.


What is work related activity in Second Life?

Second Life is a chance to learn a new literacy and try out new ways of using technology to interact with students. These things are work related:

  •  learning how to get around Second Life - walk, fly, teleport, walk
  • learning to do things with objects - take, give, but, sell, create, touch, move, edit
  • interacting with other people - IMing, chatting, viewing profiles, searching, joining groups
  • doing things with your avatar - changing appearance, editing, animating
  • exploring Second Life - attending events, exploring locations



Session 1 - Creating your avatar

 By the end of the session, participants will:


  1. Understand some educational uses of Second Life
  2. Know where to find further information about education , libraries and Second Life
  3. Have visited the Second Life web page
  4. Know how to check technical specifications for running second life
  5. Have selected a Second Life name
  6. Have logged into Second Life using their Second Life name
  7. Have visited Orientation Island in Second Life
  8. Have learned how to "friend" another avatar
  9. Have accepted an inventory offer from another avatar
  10. Have completed four very basic orientation tutorials in how to:
    1. Move
    2. Search
    3. Communicate
    4. Appearance
  11. Know how to teleport to Second Life mainland.



Session 2 - Doing more with your avatar

By the end of the session, participants will have:





Further Australian resources about onine virtual worlds



Further resources about education and online virtual worlds



Further resources about libraries and online virtual worlds

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